
Thursday 12 November 2015

What's up with Naija ladies and facial make-ups?

Many times when I log on to Facebook, Instagram, BBM and other such social networking platforms, I come across several pictures of young ladies stuffed with loads of make-up powders with faces painted in rainbow. And I'm like.. . "What's up with Naija ladies and facial make-ups? You see, the cleavage to facial make-ups in Nigeria these days is becoming a thing of scare to young men like me and so I had to cry out since I have yet the voice.

One of my hostel mates back then in school used to sing a song I found rather funny but clearly speaks reality. "Who don fine, don fine.......who don worwor don worwor, no be by force." As I examined some of those concealer-filled faces, the last part of that song kept ringing in my head. "Who don worwor don worwor, no be by force." But really,  must all girls be fine? If all of una kon fine, who will we use in describing the ugly to our children? Early this morning, I went out to buy some stuff from a grocery store and saw one of my neighbours looking completely changed like she had joined the APC. Honestly, I thought she was wearing a face-mask cos the girl I knew was certainly not the one I saw.

See madam, no matter how much you try to beautify a monkey, it can never become a human being. If you like, empty a full pack of concealer on your face; it will change little or nothing. If you are ugly, you're ugly. Mary Kay will not help; she's not the mother of Jesus. Stop deceiving young men with your falsely beautified face when the zits on your face are actually more than your followers on Twitter.

Little wonder my favorite season is the Harmattan: because during this season, the breeze that blows open the hen's buttock is fully at work. All the artificial colouring on ladies' faces that make things which are not seem as though they were are wiped off! I guess that's why my grand mother usually said that the best time to find a wife is during the Harmattan.

It is a little understandable when older ladies wear a little facial make-up since their natural elegance may have depreciated with age. But it's really annoying to see young girls who ought to radiate the awe of natural beauty, stuff themselves up with excessive facial make-up. I really think most of these young ladies need to be properly educated as to the proper use of make-ups.

Not only do those face-artificials make you a fake Nigerian product; it also gives you a double personality which is really not good for you psychologically. What do you girls even think? That you will wear those make-ups even at sleep?  How do you expect that man you're deceiving to react when he eventually finds out that his beauty-queen is actually a beautified monster?

Well, that's why I'm really not surprised with the growing number of divorces I hear and witness these days.

Self esteem or dignity is not just about being self independent, self made and all such things that ladies find glory in gloating about these days. Dignity is rather defined by how much you appreciate and carry your natural self. You can't be fake and expect people to hold you in high esteem. Have you ever wondered why people actually go for not-too-shiny foreign products rather than the all-bright and glittery home-made ones? The reason is simply because they've come to the realization that all that glitters is not gold.

As a young woman, you must come to the realization that you're amazing, just the way you are. You don't need those packs of powder and pallets to look beautiful. Make-up as the name implies was made to brush-up what already exist; not to entirely change what formerly existed. Self appreciation is key in the journey to self dignity; and so you must begin to appreciate yourself, and live life outside those excessive facial make-ups. More so, if you don't appreciate your natural self, who will?

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